Raspberry Pi

Install CentOS 7 #

# Download an image
wget -O centos7-aarch64.raw.xz http://mirrors.powernet.com.ru/centos-altarch/7/isos/aarch64/images/CentOS-Userland-7-aarch64-RaspberryPI-Minimal-4-2009-sda.raw.xz

# List available devices
diskutil list

# Unmount sdcard
diskutil unmountDisk /dev/diskN

# Flash the image and flush write cache
xzcat centos7-aarch64.raw.xz| sudo dd bs=1m  of=/dev/rdiskN; sync

# Eject sdcard
sudo diskutil eject /dev/rdiskN
# Resize root partition

Install k8s via kubeadm #

If you are faced into:

[ERROR SystemVerification]: missing required cgroups: memory

you have to enable memory cgroups by adding cgroup_enable=memory to the /boot/cmdline.txt. Of course you must restart your machine.