
Java notes #

Hello World #

public class HelloWorld {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Hello, World!!!");

Import #

import com.compamy.somepackage.Name; // imports only specified package

import com.compamy.somepackage.*;    // imports each class in this package, 
                                     // BUT don't import classes in subpackages

Infrastructure #

JRE = JVM + SE Libs

JDK = JRE + DevTools

Data types #

Elementary (simple) data types:

  • Integer
    • byte (8 bit, -2^7…2^7-1)
    • short (16 bit, -2^15…2^15-1)
    • int (32 bit, -2^31…2^31-1)
    • long (64 bit, -2^63…2^63-1)
  • Float
    • float (32 bit, 1.4e-45…3.4e+38)
    • double (64 bit, 4.9e-324…1.8e+308)
  • Symbol
    • char (16 bit)
  • Boolean
    • boolean
      • true
      • false

Flow control #

if (a > b) {
} else {

If we skip curly brackets, “else” owns only first following expression.

Type conversion #

a + b = result

if a || b is double:
  result is double
else if a || b is float:
  result is float
else if a || b is long:
  result is long
  result is int

Referencing subclass objects #

Let’s define few example classes:

class SuperClass {

class SubClassOne extends SuperClass {

class SubClassTwo extends SuperClass {

There are two ways to refer to a subclass object:

  • Subclass reference:
SubClassOne varOne = new SubClassOne();
SubClassTwo varTwo = new SubClassTwo();
  • Superclass reference:
SuperClass varOne = new SubClassOne();
SuperClass varTwo = new SubClassTwo();
  • We cannot assign an object of one subclass to the reference of another subclass because they don’t inherit each other:
SubClassOne varOne = new SubClassTwo(); // Error!!1!
  • We cannot assign an object of the parent class to the reference of int subclass:
SubClassOne varOne = new SuperClass(); // Error!!1!

Polymorphism #

Polymorphism means that something (an object or another entity) has many forms.

Java provides two types of polymorphism:

  • static (compile-time; achieved by method overloading)
  • dynamic (run-time; based on inheritance and method overriding)

Method overriding is when a subclass redefines a method of the superclass with the same name.

The run-time polymorphism relies on two principles:

  • a reference variable of the superclass can refer to any subtype object;
  • a superclass method can be overridden in a subclass.